Unfit to fit in

TerraLoop's mission is to resolutely clarify go-to-market communication that cultivates goodwill at early-stage companies from bootstrapped beginnings through Series A funding.

Unlike other teams who chase trendy topics, TerraLoop's work is grounded in timeless principles. While aspiring for global impact, TerraLoop blends this thinking with next-generation techniques that sustain teams beyond when trends end. Revealing what this means is shared (in part) below.

Unfit to fit in
Unfit to fit in

Our position

TerraLoop started with the realization that miscommunication occurs often and causes compounding conflict that leads to many teams' downfalls.

TerraLoop rejects what does not help align teams. That discipline is based on an understanding that took years to solidify after countless instances of learning what does (and does not) enhance team communication. It is due to a deep respect to the communication process that TerraLoop helps others grow.

Aligned we grow

Our guiding creed

person holding silver round container
person holding silver round container

TerraLoop is not for everyone. Those who avoid clarifying their communication individually and collectively are not a fit. Those who do, can be. By seeking win-wins at every touchpoint, we spark opportunities that last beyond our work.

Clients who we work with

Co-producers who we work with

Aligning every professionals' intent means offering a collection of complementary services that enable teams to fulfill their mission end-to-end. If you reliably contribute that value in ways that will not cause conflicting interests, let's sync.

Practicing principles while persisting past each step in the process until we reach our potential.

  • Inquire: Ask questions that reveal enduring insights. Learn what collectively constructs.

  • Future-facing: Live in the future and present. Envision your grand future output to see how it was already achieved, while working daily in the present towards its expected fulfillment.

  • Inspire: Do what reveals your best self in a way that compels others to do the same.

  • 1 + 1 = 4: Do what leads to undeniable synergy.

Clients that we work with
Clients that we work with
person in white shirt and black pants riding white surfboard on body of water during daytime
person in white shirt and black pants riding white surfboard on body of water during daytime
a group of red cubes on a gray background
a group of red cubes on a gray background

For organizations that are open, ready, and able to work with TerraLoop on helping share its insights to your relevant audiences, let's sync on how we can create shared success. Thinking at scale is in TerraLoop's nature as it grows.

Co-promoters who we work with

CJ is a Silicon Valley native whose story of grit in startups at all stages shaped him into a communicator who helps go-to-market teams reinforce their brand equity.
Since 2010, CJ has helped dozens of companies write their brand’s communication (including his 2 startups with 1 exit) that has guided their mass market campaigns and high-stakes pitches to acquire buyers in 80+ countries. He has presented on branding at events from Silicon Valley to South Korea and co-led over 160 meetup events in Silicon Valley for startups. Among other milestones, his messaging has guided three Fortune 500 teams when selling two of their products with billion-dollar revenues, gained entry into Yale’s Innovation Summit, been endorsed by social media celebrities, pitched to six billionaires and one Fortune 10 CEO, and was chosen in 2021 from several thousand applicants as a Top 100 U.S. Marketer.

TerraLoop's founder

CJ Terral

Imagine greater

Life is short, ideas are abundant, and impact is rare. Together, we have limited time to surface the best ideas that collectively bring about the greatest change. A vital factor limiting that is our collective imagination to envision it and follow through. We are ready for that challenge, and invite you to join our cause.

Ready to move beyond misalignment?